The Brain Box Classroom Kit


Introducing the "Classroom Mind Boggling Brain Games STEAM Kit," a captivating exploration into the complexities of the human brain, tailored for 25 students. This classroom kit, complete with lesson plans meeting Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), seamlessly integrates into the curriculum, offering an immersive experience that combines science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, unraveling the mysteries of the brain.

Inside the Classroom Mind Boggling Brain Games STEAM Kit:

  1. Lesson Plans Meeting NGSS Standards: Equipped with comprehensive lesson plans that align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), teachers can seamlessly integrate this kit into their curriculum.

  2. The Brain Unveiled: Students embark on a journey to discover the intricacies of the left and right brain, understanding their functions and how they collaborate to shape our unique identities.

  3. Create Your Own Brain Hat: Engage in a creative and educational group activity as students build their very own brain hats. They will label various brain regions and explore their primary functions, gaining a deeper understanding of the brain's structure.

  4. Electrochemical Communication: Delve into the world of electrochemical signals and explore how the brain communicates. Students will have the opportunity to construct two types of circuits, not only demonstrating how the brain functions but also gaining insights into the engineering principles behind circuits.

  5. Flexible Learning: The kit includes an instructional video accessible on an iPad, tablet, or phone, offering a "learn-at-your-own-pace" environment. Students can embark on this scientific journey independently or enjoy it collaboratively with a teacher.

The Classroom Mind Boggling Brain Games STEAM Kit encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and hands-on learning for 25 students. It provides a unique opportunity for students to dive into the fascinating realm of neuroscience and engineering while fostering an appreciation for the incredible complexities of the human brain.

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